Staff Click the Button to Submit a Digital Tool for Review
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District Network Associate Matthew Johnson Help Desk Technician Isaac Stanchina District Videographer Stephen Henry To submit a digital tool or app for use in the classrooms or schools, please use the following link and indicate the school and SAU 61 in the notes: Digital Tool Agreement Request
Farmington School District adheres to Federal and NH State mandates such as Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and House Bill 1612 section of RSA 189:66 to ensure safety of student and staff information and content access through the use of technology in the schools. Information on district technology policies can be found online at or on the NH Department of Ed site on Data Collection and Reporting. In accordance with HB 1612, below is a list of the approval status for all staff requested digital tools online or downloaded and installed for use in the school environment. This list could change as privacy policies and agreements may change in yearly reviews. The Farmington School District takes student and staff data privacy regulations seriously and is proud to be a member of the NH chapter of the Student Data Privacy Consortium. To see all districts participating in this program, visit their site here.